Aims & Objectives

To educate and train the special children (related to mentally challenged, Partial Visual impairement, Deaf & Dam) with the special education’s technique by the team of professionals (psychologist, speech therapist, physio therapist and special educators) with different teaching aids.

The program focuses on over all development of child depending on needs as well as potential of the students. Functional academics are imparted with parallel intervention with allied therapies depending on the needs of the child.

  • To educate and train the disabled children in self reliance.
  • To provide them facilities and rights as normal citizens.
  • To train them in vocations and crafts for rehabilitation employment.
  • Providing diagnostic and therapeutic services to assist parents and mentally challenged individuals.

Our Mission :

Our mission is to educate and train our children to develop into self- reliant and confident individuals. They should be able to cope with the world independently.

Our Vision :

To see our children getting the best that life has to offer and being completely self dependent adults and To open an exclusive full fledged school that has every facility for our children.